If you require training or if your Strecker welding machine is in need of repairs, our team is happy to help you at any time.
To enquire about repairs, training or upgrades, please contact Maike Kurtenacker from Customer Service.
Purchase a
service package
Telephone support with remote maintenance, fast availability of service technicians, discounts on spare parts.
Contact us!
When ordering machine parts or accessories for a specific machine, please be sure to indicate the machine number and machine type. The machine number and type can both be found on the machine name plate.
Request a service technician
We need a written order to process your request for a service technician. This is also the case for warranty claims.

Maike Kurtenacker
customer service
German / English / Italian
Phone: +49 6431 / 96 10 - 53
Our Phone Service Hours:
Mon - Thu 07:30 - 16:00 CET
Fri 07:30 am - 3:00 pm
Our international representatives:
Worldwide Representatives